Thursday, January 06, 2005

My first blog!!!

Hello, everyone! First of all I'd like to say: HAPPY NEW YEAR!

I never thought I would become a blogger, but here I am writing my first blog. Welcome to the blog-world!

Well, this is me and my life at the moment:

Being a first year med student at the University of Iceland is just great. Finally I feel like I've found my place in life. It's hard work and a bit stressful at times, but since I like it so much and I'm interested in what I'm studying it's not such a big deal. (I'm not saying that I don't get tired of studying, 'cause I do.)

Christmas was just great! Spent time with family and friends, ate lots of good food and candy, played games, slept, relaxed and was lazy. A good break, just a little too short! I would have liked a few more days of sleeping in and relaxing but the crazyness of school started yesterday. I'm taking it slowly these first days and not really studying much. It takes a while to get into gear again.

These next few days I'll put some fun stuff on my blog... just wait and see ;)

That's it for now. Have a great day!


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