Tuesday, February 28, 2006

The sunset of a life...

So unexpectedly the sun sets in someone's life. The day has come to an end. With Jesus in our life the sunset is full of glory and a gate into eternity with God.
Today my great-aunt, Didda, passed away. She was walking to church with my Grandmother when suddenly she was out of breath. They turned to go back home but she didn't have much endurance. Grandmother heard her say: "My God please help me." She passed out moments later. The ambulance arrived and brought her to the hospital where she died.
I went along with my family to see my Grandmother. We talked about Didda, what kind of woman she was. She always had fun stories to tell about my uncles and aunts from their childhood. She was a caring woman, always knew what was going on with us kids in the family and kept asking how we were doing. I know she was a woman of prayer and I am eternally greatful for the prayers she's said for me.
I'd like to end this post with the words my Grandmother said by Didda's bed at the hospital (plus a third verse).

Watch, blessed Jesus, over me
And let my spirit watch with Thee.
Oh, may my soul its vigil keep
Though body rest in guileless sleep.
Because He thus was treated-
God's own Eternal Son-
Salvation was completed,
My way to heaven won-
Eternal life begun.
My sins are all forgiven,
The veil between is riven-
What wonders Thou hast done!
Henceforth my path the Saviour
Has paved with love and grace.
The sunshine of His favour
Shines ever from His face.
Then, when is run the race,
My earthly tenure ending,
My soul, released, ascending,
In Heaven finds a place.

These are verses from The Hymns of the Passion by Hallgrímur Pétursson. I wish you could read Icelandic cause the seckond verse here is just so much greater in Icelandic... For those of you that understand Icelandic here it is:

En með því út var leiddur
alsærður Lausnarinn,
gjörðist mér vegur greiddur
í Guðs náðarríki inn
og eilíft líf annað sinn.
Blóðskuld og bölvan mína
burt tók Guðs sonar pína.
Dýrð sé þér, Drottinn minn.

I thank God for Didda and all the memories I have of her. She was a loving woman of God. Although it is sad for those of us who are left behind, we can find rest and comfort in the knowledge that she is with her Saviour.


Blogger Paul said...

Hi Katrin!
Sorry to hear this sad news. But isn't it great that we, as God's very own children, have so much comfort and peace - EVEN if we are sad? I think you do a great job on this blog - sharing your personal stories in such a gentle way. May the Lord bless you and keep you safe. May God's smile shine on you!

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ. For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love he predestined us to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will— to the praise of his glorious grace, which he has freely given us in the One he loves. (Eph. 1:3-6)

9:15 PM  
Blogger Katrín said...

Thank you, Paul, for your encouraging comments!!

12:53 AM  

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