Friday, March 30, 2007

This morning I woke up to a song...

and it goes like this: "Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you..." and so on and so forth. Stefán, Hilli and Sólveig woke me up with that song and brought me a very nice birthday gift. I am going with them to the opera tonight! I am very excited :) I also recieved a CD with a collection of Sissel Kyrkebø's songs. Oh and let's not forget the blue plastic fish from "Finding Nemo" (it's an inside joke). Such a nice gift from such nice people.

Today I am 25 years old... That's pretty big, huh? Am I a grown up yet? Mmmm, that's debatable. When I was little I always thought growing up would be really boring and that I would get boring as well. I guess that's what I thought a grown up's life was like - just boring. I was sure I would be married and maybe even have a child by the time I was 25, cause that's how it was with my parents so I just assumed that's how it would go for me as well. I even thought I would be back in Africa already. Funny how things turn out differently.

None of those things have happened, not even the "boring"-part. My life is all but boring, and hopefully I am not boring either. Hahaha! And now a few pictures to finish off my post... let's call it...

"Now And Then"

Here I am about 1 years old

... and 24 years later...

My siblings and I at Christmas, when I was 8.

My siblings and I last Christmas... Did we change at all? :oP

These are my wonderful parents 25 years ago.

And 25 years later :)

Life is beautiful :o) Even with all it's ups and downs... with out the "downs" I don't think we'd appreciate the "ups" as much ;o) We learn to appreciate the beauty of life through everything we go through... At least that is how it is for me.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Til hamingju með daginn!! Risa knús :) kveðja Vilborg

12:36 PM  
Blogger Karsan said...

Hei Katrin,
Må henge meg på med et GRATTIS med dagen, jeg også! Husker jo nå at det var i slutten av mars på deg! Måtte dette ditt 26 år bli godt og spennende! Gode ønsker fra Karsan

2:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Til hamingju með afmælið:)
kv. Jón Kristinn

5:19 PM  
Blogger Jo said...

Hæ til hamingju með afmælið, i efterskott eins og maður segir á sænsku!!

2:59 PM  
Blogger Paul said...

Congratulations, Katrin! I do hope you had a great birthday celebration and that this next year will bring many good things to you. Nice pics!
By the way, you share your birthday with Art from but he is just a little bit older ;-)

4:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday. May Christ richly bless you

2:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hæhæ!! Til hamingju með daginn um daginn, ég gleymdi þessu að sjálfsögðu...eins og öllu öðru, ég sem ætlaði svo að muna eftir deginum. En allavegana stórt knús frá mér og skemmtu þér áfram vel í Sverige
kv, Magga

7:01 PM  

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