Saturday, April 28, 2007

Just havin' fun!

Thought I'd do another photo-post :) I'm havin' a lot of fun!

Had a hair-cut and some high-lights the other day.
Took this on a walk around the neighboorhood one evening:
Magga came for a short visit! I love her!
Walking towards the beach...
Then we went to a small lake cloes by... The weather was warm but the water was COLD.
Enjoying the sun :)
Göteborg in spring time! BEAUTIFUL!

Eating dinner outside:

Enjoying the sun again...

People enjoying a nice day in Göteborg centrum:


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Takk fyrir frábæra daga. Hehe, þú ert svo góð að velja svona fínar myndir af mér ;-Þ
En ég gleymdi víst jakkanum mínum í Gautaborg....held ég.Það væri æðislegt ef þú gætir kippt honum hann með til Kaupmannahafnar þegar þú flýgur heim...þ.e ef þú hefur pláss í töskunum..hehe ;-)

9:32 PM  

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