Saturday, October 21, 2006

Hurt--to heal!

I cried, "Lord, use me!"
He answered, "Wait."

Then came the hurt.
Loneliness--I walked through desolation
to share His fellowship.
Doubt--I wept through despair to seek His faith.
Fear--I wrestled through darkness
to seize His freedom.

And the Balm of Gilead flowed
into the depths of my soul.
It cleansed; it soothed; it healed.

Again I cried, "Lord, use me!"
This time He answered, "Go!"

"I send you forth to heal.
Walk with the lonely--
share with them my fellowship.
Weep with the despairing--
seek with them My faith.
Wrestle with the fearful--
seize with them My freedom.

And the Balm of Gilead will flow
into the depths of their souls.
It will cleanse;
it will soothe;
it will heal."

He spoke again: "My child,
I spared you no hurt--
that I might use you to heal!"

Peggie C. Bohanon


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