Sunday, May 15, 2005


Ok, so what I wanted to post didn't work... sorry! Not that it was anything special anyway! I was just reading different blogs and noticed that everyone is crazy about quizzes. I decided to join the club and did one on my name, but when I wanted to post it it just wouldn't work... I guess I'll just tell you the outcome then ;o)

K = Kind
A = Alert
T = Tough
R = Refined
I = Industrious
N = Nerdy
So does that describe me well? Am I a kind, alert, tough, refined and industrious nerd? I especially liked the nerdy part! Haha! I know I am bit of a nerd ;o) Anyways! Quizzes are silly but they can be fun.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahah refined nerd... Ein besta þversögn sem ég hef heyrt lengi...

2:02 AM  

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