Monday, June 12, 2006

Busy busy

Yup, that's me right now... busy working and enjoying the summer... although the weather could be better! Where is the sun anyway???

Well, I really like my summer job :) Working in the maternity ward has made me realise how fascinating the job of a midwife is... Hmmm! Does it sound like maybe I picked the wrong profession? :oP Nah! I like medicine, I'm in the right spot. Being a doctor - that's me :)

Anyways! This summer is the crazy summer of WEDDINGS! I think I know about 10 people that are getting married in the next few weeks and months. Yup, crazy! So great though! Happiness and joy all over the place ;) Fun fun fun!

Well folks, I'm on a 12 hour shift tomorrow and should get to bed soon... Good night!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Vá, það hlýtur að vera yndislegt að vinna sem ljósmóðir. Hef bara séð eina fæðingu í sjónvarpinu og það var stórfenglegt. Hvað þá að vera viðstaddur fæðingu!! Vona bara að þú njótir vinnunnar og getir kannski kíkt á okkur Jón Þór einhvern tímann í nýju íbúðinni okkar. Ef þú hefur tíma vegna allra brúðkaupanna og vinnunnar

4:00 PM  

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