Tuesday, March 08, 2005

What can I tell you?

Wow! It's Tuesday already, actually very soon it will be Wednesday! Just where does time go these days? Just realised that in exactly two weeks we have easter break! That will be nice. I've decided not to study that week, ahhhhhhh! Not that I'm doing too much of it at the moment. To tell you the truth I only do the things I really HAVE to do, projects that I have to hand in, short lectures I have to give and stuff like that. It feels good to be able to slack off a little bit, everyone else is anyway... or that is at least what I tell my self so I don't get a bad conscience, haha ;)

The last two weeks I've noticed something is not right with my eyes. I can view the world in two ways now, depending on how I want to see it. If I look at it with my right eye everything is clear and nice but with my left things are a bit more foggy and unclear. Maybe I need glasses, who knows? I'll have to make an appointment with the optic. Maybe the next time you see me I'll be wearing spectacles :oP Haha! Wouldn't that just make me the perfect nerd ;) (No offense to those who wear glasses! I just look really nerdy with glasses, that's all.)

News, news... that's pretty much all that's new in my life. Exciting, right? More exciting things are happening around me though! My friend (Eva) and her boyfriend had a little baby boy. He is just so cute, a really beautiful child. Let me just ask you, is there anything in the world that is more perfect than a little baby? I don't think so... every child is a Miracle if you ask me!

I have only seen pictures of Eva's son, but I'm going for a visit this week. Can't wait! That's all for now! See ya!


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