Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Are Christians just stupid?!

Well, that's what one of my teachers seems to think.

We had a discussion-class today about research on stem cells in breast cancer. At the end of the class people were asking ethical questions about embryonic stem cell research. (It is banned by law in Iceland since 1996 but people are trying to change that.) At the end of that discussion the teacher said: "We should just be happy that we don't live in a contry where 50% of the population believes in the creation and other 40% believe that God used evolution to create everyting and only 10% believe in the evolution theory!" She shook her head and had this look on her face. Like it's stupid to believe that there is a God and the evolution theory is proof of the opposite. I was a little offended by the way she said it. I know she didn't mean to hurt anyone but everyone needs to watch what they say and how they say it, especially in big groups. You never know what kind of opinion or belief people have.

Anyways! When I was thinking about this later today I remembered these verses:

Jews demand miraculous signs and Greeks look for wisdom, but we preach Christ crucified: a stumbling block to Jews and foolishness to Gentiles, but to those whom God has called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God.
(1 Corinthians 1:22-24)

People can think whatever they want, but I'm prepared to be a fool for God! :o)


Blogger Paul said...

Hi Katrín,

I just came across your weblog while serving the internet. It’s so much fun reading some thoughts from fellow Christians around the world and I just wanted to drop you a line after reading your posting about ‘Christians being stupid’ (the creation / evolution issue).

I certainly can relate to your story. I did not study Biology, but I had similar experiences while studying History at a teachers training college (many years ago!). One of the teachers told us: ‘This may be a sobering thought for you guys, but everything that happens in the world has a materialistic cause. If the sun shines, you feel happy and if it rains, you feel sad. It’s as simple as that.’

I couldn’t help myself and responded: ‘Sometimes it rains and I still feel happy’ :-)

Everybody laughed. Than he replied: ‘We’ve got special institutions for people like that’.

You know, I didn’t speak up all of the time during discussions about faith issues. Sometimes it is wise to be silent - even Jesus acted like that if He knew that they were just trying to provoke him. Just ignore their jokes or stupid remarks and wait for the right moment to make your point. Truth (= Jesus) is on your side and He will give you the right words through his Holy Spirit when the time comes.

I think that deep down nobody really believes the materialistic explanation of life. It just doesn’t make sense! We are not just a part of a inexplicable chemical process or the result of a long chain of unintentional causes and effects. We have spirits, creativity, intelligence (yes, even some Christians know how to use their brains), a good sense of humour (there are some exceptions) - and we can make our own decisions (free will).

Atheists have some difficult nuts to crack. They can deny the existence of God until they have to face Him, but they can’t deny their own existence. They can’t deny the beauty of nature and the intelligent design that is visible everywhere around them (DNA, eyes, flowers, fishes and the stunning beauty of our blue planet in the universe… to name just a few things).

Some years ago I walked through Bristol zoo with a brother in law – he is not a Christian. Both of us looked in amazement at a giant turtle that was sitting near a beautiful tree. We were silent for a moment. Then I said: ‘Isn’t it funny, that both this giant turtle and that beautiful tree are products of the same cosmic big bang?’ He had no answer to that simple question. He just said something like: ‘yes, mother nature is hard to understand...’

Look at all the variety in nature and you can only come to one conclusion: somewhere there must be a creative Master Mind. Personally I prefer to call Him God.

I have a nice quote for you (I read it in an anonymous comment on an atheist website!):

I never cease to be amazed how some can look at a flower in a clay pot and conclude that the flower in all it's beauty is a product of random chance while the clay pot is undeniably a product of intelligence.

Think about that!

PS If you want to read my personal testimony and some thoughts on creative design, feel free to check this out:

Blessings from a brother in Christ from Hoofddorp, the Netherlands!

Paul Abspoel

6:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mér fannst Þórarinn endilega segja að lögin hafi verið frá 1996 en ekki 1986 en whatever...

Þá eiginlega móðgaðist ég líka þegar hún í rauninni rakkaði fólkið niður sem trúir þróuninni en telur að Guð hafi verið á bak við hana. Í rauninni var hún ekki dissa vísindalega þekkingu eða trúnað þessarra heldur að þeir trúi in general.... Þannig að ég skil alveg hvað þú ert að fara

Á móti kemur að ég held að hún hafi ekki meint neitt illt með þessu og mér fannst það á henni eins og að henni sjálfri hafi fundist þetta koma vitlaust út úr sér. Eins og Hjörtur sagði hér að ofan þá er hún þekkt fyrir að vera silly.. þú þarft ekki annað að sjá en flottu handprjónuðu uppáhaldspeysuna hennar með risatóru marglitu tölunum :D (.. ojj.. hvað ég var vond hérna haha)

12:45 AM  
Blogger Katrín said...

Takk fyrir ábendingu um ártalið - laga það núna ;)

Ég veit svosem að Helga hefur alls ekki ætlað að særa neinn... en ég varð dálítið pirruð yfir þessu samt sem áður.

2:33 AM  

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