Wednesday, June 28, 2006

I love my job!!!! LOVE IT!

So... my night shift was AWESOME! Why? I'll tell you why! I got to assist in TWO deliveries. Now if that is not awesome I don't know what is! I love my summer job! Got it yet? hahaha... ok, I'm a bit over excited about the whole thing, but seriously... watching a new life enter into this world is just beyond words.

So, let me tell you a little more about it. Both deliveries I assisted in were a little problematic... in the first one the baby was quite big so there was a tear that had to be sewn (don't think I need to explain where...) And she bled quite a bit. Well, what I did was assist in handing the midwife and the doctor the stuff they needed and I got to give my first shot! The mom was the one who received my shot not the baby... but hopefully I will get to do that as well ;)

In the seckond delivery the baby was kinda stuck... it's sholder was in the way. So I had to ring for the doctor. She (the doctor) leaned on the woman's belly to help push the baby out. It worked. The little baby girl was a little bluea and her heart rate was a little slow but the midwives who were in there were quic to do what was necessary. They rushed the baby girl onto the "baby table" under the heater where they kept rubbing her and her chest and in a minute or so she was crying really loud and slowly turned pink.
Those were the highlights of my night shift! Being part of that was so great!


Blogger Ólöf Inger said...

Wow! Rosa spennandi. Samt pínu hrikalegt að hugsa til kvennanna sem þurftu að fæða.

3:19 PM  

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