Tuesday, January 16, 2007

I've been tagged!

Thanx Paul :) This is one of the more meaningful games of tag that I've taken part in here on the Internet, haha. So here goes!

1. As a child, what did you always say you wanted to be when you grew up? When I was 5 years old I wanted to become either a ballerina OR a nurse (my mom is a nurse). Neither of them turned out to be what I went into, but close enough. I'm studying medicine to become a doctor one day. No ballerina for me! hehehe! Don't think I'd want to see myself dance!

2. If you had to choose one thing that you’ve always dreamed of doing, what would it be? What is stopping you? Oooooh, what to pick! Hmmm... I'd have to say travel the world! That's been something I've always wanted to do and I hope I can make it happen one day. Not the whole world in one stretch, but trips here and there at different times. What's stopping me? School and lack of money ;) But one day I will live the dream and go to Israel, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, India, Australia, Japan, Brazil, Ethiopia, South Africa, Madagascar, Jamaica and all the other places/countries on my list... one country at a time ;)

3. Who is your biggest fan? Who is always encouraging you to be all that you can be? My parents, my siblings and my closest friends. Want me to name a few? Well, that would be Amy, Berglind, Eva and Magga.

4. What Bible study or book (besides the obvious – The Bible) has most impacted your life to date? Hmm... Let me answer this one with what book of the Bible has most impacted me. I have to study so much that when I take time to read something else I usually pick up the Bible and read. It's hard to only pick one book of the Bible because I'm always discovering new things in it and books I didn't really "notice" before speak to me in a different and powerful way all of a sudden. I guess that's what's so exciting about the Bible. The last book that spoke to me that powerfully was the book of Hosea. Just read it and see what a deep understanding Hosea has of God's heart and His grace. The picture we get of God in the book of Hosea is different from the rest of the Old testament, where God is described in a more "formal" way, if I can put it that way, and not as personal... I don't know how to describe it really, but I hope you get what I'm saying. Hosea sees the personal side of God, and a God of MERCY and GRACE.

5. When are you the happiest? When I'm around the people I love the most. Like for example around Crhistmas when my whole extended family gets together. I bet you already figured that out if you read my posts about my family :) I am blessed. I am also very happy when I am surrounded by Christian people my age and we can sit for hours sharing about our walk with God and what He's teaching us. Those are moments I truly treasure. There is nothing greater than sharing the adoration and awe for God with someone else!


Blogger Paul said...

Thanks for sharing this, Katrin. It's great to find out a little bit more about you, your dreams and ideas. I really liked your answers. Blessings!

8:26 AM  

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