Sunday, September 30, 2007

Ex-porn star tells her story!

The first video is about 7 minutes and the second one is about 50 minutes. I highly recommend listening to her tell her whole story in the longer video! She tells everything about how she got into the "business" and out of it again and what it did to her. Very powerful! You should also visit her website:

If you can't get the longer video to play here on my blog just click the link and watch, I know it works there: CLICK HERE!
With God, ANYTHING is possible, that's for sure ;) The best thing is that I don't have to have something to offer when I come to God, He takes me just as I am, He meets me exactly where I'm at, be it broken and bruised or happy and content. God takes us as we are and when we feel like there is nothing left but a broken life we can and should bring that to God. Because...

"...You do not delight in sacrifice, otherwise I would give it;
You are not pleased with burnt offering.
The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit;
A broken and a contrite heart, O God, You will not despise."
-Psalm 51:16-17

"He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds."
-Psalm 147:3

Friday, September 28, 2007

The 4th year... the year many of us will cry?

We had one of the 5th year medical students come and talk to us today after school. He was basically just telling us what we are haeaded for this year, what books are recommended and how the 4th year works. And then he said:

"You may have heard it said that no one gets through medical school without crying... well, the 4th year is that year for many medical students!"

I guess we're in for a ride on a roller coaster! It will be scary at times, it might even make some of us cry, but boy will it be a rush as we take this ride for the first time! We don't know exactly what to expect or how it is going to be, we've only heard stories from the people who already went on the ride! I think it's going to be exciting. I'm sure I will have many stories to tell about how I made a fool of myself, but it is all a part of the learning process! Let's just hope I can keep the tears to myself if it ever comes to that this year ;o)

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

I am still alive

Just thought I'd give a super short update! The weekend went well and I think those of us who were there had a really good and blessed time together! I enjoyed it a lot at least. I haven't had time to write anything about it yet because I am too busy studying for finals. I had one today and then I have another one on Friday! It's pretty hectic! One down, one to go! Until then, have a great week!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Does anybody hear her?


Add a video to your site
Update your profile

All too often the church is like what we saw in this music video. It should be a place where everyone feels welcome and safe, not judged. Honestly, who hasn't messed up or done something they are not proud of? Who isn't struggling with something in their life? The only difference is that some people carry their mistakes and trials on the outside, they can't be hidden. I hope that I can be the person Christ wants me to be when I meet people. I pray that He will exchange His love and understanding for my judgemental thoughts and short-comings.

Saturday, September 08, 2007

The program for the weekend!!!

The program is now ready! I am posting it in Icelandic... sorry


Kvöldsamvera kl. 20:30
Reynsla af kristilegu starfi meðal heilsufagsnema (nemar segja frá)
Vitnisburður íslensks læknis (Lárus)
Mark, norskur læknanemi, verður með hugleiðingu.


Kl 10:30
Biblíulestur: Jesús og blindi maðurinn (Haraldur, læknir)

Kl 12:30 Hádegismatur

Kl 14:00
Fræðslustund: The servant leader, að þjóna þeim sem þjóna (Birna, hjúkrunarfræðingur)
Tími fyrir spurningar og umræður

Kl 15:30 Síðdegiskaffi

Kl 16:00
Fræðslustund: Fóstureyðingar (Ingvild, norskur læknanemi)
Tími fyrir spurningar og umræður

Kl 18 eða 18:30 Kvöldmatur

Kl 20:30
Tómasarmessa í Friðrikskapellu (við Valsheimilið)


Lokastund kl 11:00
Guðlaugur Gunnarsson guðfræðingur talar

Monday, September 03, 2007

The puzzle is coming together

I can almost see the whole picture, there are very few pieces missing. The plans for the weekend (see my last post) have gone well and the program is almost ready to be posted! So stay tuned!