Wednesday, June 28, 2006

I love my job!!!! LOVE IT!

So... my night shift was AWESOME! Why? I'll tell you why! I got to assist in TWO deliveries. Now if that is not awesome I don't know what is! I love my summer job! Got it yet? hahaha... ok, I'm a bit over excited about the whole thing, but seriously... watching a new life enter into this world is just beyond words.

So, let me tell you a little more about it. Both deliveries I assisted in were a little problematic... in the first one the baby was quite big so there was a tear that had to be sewn (don't think I need to explain where...) And she bled quite a bit. Well, what I did was assist in handing the midwife and the doctor the stuff they needed and I got to give my first shot! The mom was the one who received my shot not the baby... but hopefully I will get to do that as well ;)

In the seckond delivery the baby was kinda stuck... it's sholder was in the way. So I had to ring for the doctor. She (the doctor) leaned on the woman's belly to help push the baby out. It worked. The little baby girl was a little bluea and her heart rate was a little slow but the midwives who were in there were quic to do what was necessary. They rushed the baby girl onto the "baby table" under the heater where they kept rubbing her and her chest and in a minute or so she was crying really loud and slowly turned pink.
Those were the highlights of my night shift! Being part of that was so great!

Sunday, June 25, 2006

about time I blogged!

I'm at work... it's 1:15 am and absolutely nothing to do... I've done everything I can do already. No woman in labor at the moment, the empty rooms are clean and so... I thought I could blog :)

Two days ago my cousins and some friends and I held a bachelorette party for Ingunn. She's getting married in one week. We had a list of things for her to do and she started the day by singing on air at Kiss FM. Guess what song we picked for her! Hero by Enrique Iglesias... hahaha... the cheaziest song ever! In the afternoon we dressed her up like a Swiss beer girl or whatever and she had to do all the things we put on the list for her. Have a guy kiss her (on the cheak), kiss a guy on the cheak, show people her talents for money, read silly poems to people, buy ice cream with toppings without speaking and stuff like that! ;) so fun! After finishing all that we dropped her off at a massuse for a massage. In the evening we went out to eat at Caruso, a really nice restaurant down town. We then ended the day at our house watching what we taped during the day while eating ice cream and snacks. It was a good day I think. We had tons of fun and so did Ingunn ;)

The weather has been awesome the last 4 days and I had hoped it would stay that way, but the weatherforecast says it's supposed to get cooler and rain next week :( EWWW I don't want that I want the sun to stay! It makes everyone so happy and energetic!

Well, I'm out of things to write about and I think I better stop before this gets too long and boring :oP Have a great night!

Friday, June 16, 2006

God is good but life is hard

does that sound like a contradiction to you? At first glance it may seem like one. If God is good why do people suffer, why do we go through hard times? I can't really answer those questions except from what I know from the Bible:

14 When times are good, be happy;
but when times are bad, consider:
God has made the one
as well as the other.
(Ecclesiastes 7)

1 There is a time for everything,
and a season for every activity under heaven:

2 a time to be born and a time to die,
a time to plant and a time to uproot,

3 a time to kill and a time to heal,
a time to tear down and a time to build,

4 a time to weep and a time to laugh,
a time to mourn and a time to dance,

5 a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,
a time to embrace and a time to refrain,

6 a time to search and a time to give up,
a time to keep and a time to throw away,

7 a time to tear and a time to mend,
a time to be silent and a time to speak,

8 a time to love and a time to hate,
a time for war and a time for peace.
(Ecclesiastes 3)

The most important thing is that God is always present, He never leaves me. Even when it feels like He's far away, He's right there.

13 For I am the LORD, your God,
who takes hold of your right hand
and says to you, Do not fear;
I will help you.
(Isaiah 41)

And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.
(Matthew 28:20)

Knowing this is what gives me peace in the weirdest circumstances. I'm not saying this makes all my problems go away and I'm always happy... no. I'll still feel grief, sorrow, anger, disappointment as I go through rough experiences in life... but I will also feel this peace in the midst of all that. I have an inner joy that only comes from God and it is there also in the hard times.

Peace and joy from God. Doesn't make my problems go away but I know I'm not alone and that's what keeps me going. That's what makes my life amazing. Living each moment with God, that's a true adventure! Ups and downs, happiness and grief, success and failure, lessons to learn - it's all something God is using to shape me and mold me into the person He wants me to be. There is a time for everything... good and bad... but with God even the bad can turn into something good :)

28And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
(Romans 8)

Monday, June 12, 2006

Busy busy

Yup, that's me right now... busy working and enjoying the summer... although the weather could be better! Where is the sun anyway???

Well, I really like my summer job :) Working in the maternity ward has made me realise how fascinating the job of a midwife is... Hmmm! Does it sound like maybe I picked the wrong profession? :oP Nah! I like medicine, I'm in the right spot. Being a doctor - that's me :)

Anyways! This summer is the crazy summer of WEDDINGS! I think I know about 10 people that are getting married in the next few weeks and months. Yup, crazy! So great though! Happiness and joy all over the place ;) Fun fun fun!

Well folks, I'm on a 12 hour shift tomorrow and should get to bed soon... Good night!

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

I witnessed the most amazing thing today

... a child being born. Is there anything that can beat that? Not in my mind. That is truly the most amazing thing... a miracle. It was so awesome to see a perfect little child enter this world today. Wow! I just stood there in awe.

This was the highlight of my first day at work! So it was a good day although it was very hectic. More than 10 children were born during my shift and I had no clue what I was supposed to do when and all that. I'll learn as I go. Today was busier than most days and on top of that there were few people working. Like for instance, the lady who was supposed to teach me my job couldn't come so they had to call in another girl. But it all went well and I think I know most of what my job is about. I'm excited and look forward to a summer spent in the paternity, watching new life enter this world every day :) It's great!

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Bahahahahaha! This is hilarious!

If you don't understand Icelandic I'm sorry, cause this is hilarious! So funny! Here we go, enjoy!

Nokkrir gullmolar úr læknaskýrslum:

- Að höfðu samræði við lækni féllst hann á að koma sjálfviljugur inn.

- Á öðrum degi var hnéð betra og á þriðja degi var það alveg horfið.

- Daginn fyrir innlögn borðaði hún kvöldmat á eðlilegan hátt með kjötbollum.

- Eðlileg augnskoðun fyrir utan sérkennilegt andlitsfall...

- Eftir það var hún í samkvæmi...

- Fékk vægan verk undir morgunsárið...

- Hún hefur þroskast eðlilega framan til...

- Hún rann til á svelli og virðist að lappirnar á henni hafi farið í sitt hvora áttina í byrjun desember.

- Húðin var rök og þurr.

- Misnotaði áfengi í óhófi áður fyrr...

- Móðir getur látið barnið sitja með því að setja fæturna í hring...

- Nú er svo komið fyrir henni að hún getur að mestu hjálpað sér sjálf...

- Saga er fengin hjá uppgefnum ættingjum...

- Sjúklingur á vanda til að fara austur í sveit um helgar. Þar datt undan henni hestur...

- Sjúklingur var í morgun að drekka te og borða maís þegar að bar mann sem heitir Kristmundur.

- Skoðun við komu leiðir í ljós unglingspilt...

- Tekin var mynd af sjúklingi sem sýndi breytingar í Hafnarfirði...

- Við komu á spítalann var sjúklingur fljótlega skoðaður af undirrituðum og kemur þá í ljós að um er að ræða 46 ára karlmann sem er mjög þrekvaxinn og vöðvastæltur...

- Við rectal exploration fannst stækkaður skjaldkirtill...

- Við skoðun á sjúklingi kemur fram áberandi kyndeyfð...

- Við skoðun eru engar eitlastækkanir að gagni...

- Það sem fyllti mælinn var þvagleki...

- Það vottar fyrir gyllinæð hægra megin á kálfa...

- Þegar hann var lagður inn hafði ör hjartsláttur stoppað og honum leið betur.

- Þessi maður veit ekkert um skyldleika í ætt....

- Sjúklingur batnar ef lagst er ofan á hann...

- Sjúklingur borðar reglulegt mataræði...

- Sjúklingur er ekki þekktur fyrir að fremja sjálfsmorð.

- Sjúklingur er fertug, að öðru leyti ekkert athugavert.

- Sjúklingur er svo hress að hann gæti gengið langleiðina til Akureyrar...

- Sjúklingur er tilfinningalaus frá tá og niður úr.

- Sjúklingur fékk sér vöfflur í morgunmat og var kominn með lystarstol í hádeginu.

- Sjúklingur fékk þá mjög langsótt kvef...

- Sjúklingur fær verki í bringuna ef hún liggur á vinstri hlið lengur en í eitt ár.

- Sjúklingur hefur aldrei fundið fyrir þessum verkjum nema þegar hann vaskar upp í sumarbústað - en er ráðlagt eftirlit ef verkirnir koma fram við önnur tækifæri...

- Sjúklingur hefur átt við gott heilsufar að stríða...

- Sjúklingur hefur fremur óbærilega verki...

- Sjúklingur hefur formlegar hægðir...

- Sjúklingur hefur skilið eftir hvítu blóðkornin á öðrum spítala.

- Sjúklingur hefur verið að þyngjast af asmanum sl. sólarhring...

- Sjúklingur hefur verið mædd sl. fimm ár...

- Sjúklingur hefur verið niðurdreginn alveg síðan hann byrjaði að hitta mig 1983.

- Sjúklingur lenti á parketgólfi og bar fyrir sig höndina með þeim árangri að hún brotnaði...

- Sjúklingur hefur verið í vandræðum með gervifótinn en hann hefur haft fjóra fætur frá því að hann lenti í slysinu, en þann síðasta fékk hann í apríl sl.

- Sjúklingur lærði söngnám...

- Sjúklingur tekur engin lyf en magnyl þess á milli...

- Sjúklingur tárast og grætur stöðugt. Virðist líka vera niðurdreginn.

- Sjúklingur var í góðu ásigkomulagi þangað til flugvélin hans varð eldsneytislaus og hrapaði.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

78th wedding anniversary... WOW!

Lifetime lovers Frank and Anita Milford have become Britain's longest-married living couple after celebrating their 78th wedding anniversary.

The pair met as teenagers at a dance in Plymouth, southern England, in 1926 and married two years later.

Asked for the secret of their enduring union, Frank Milford, 98, a retired dock worker, was quoted in Wednesday's edition of the The Daily Telegraph as saying: "We don't always see eye to eye and we do have a small argument every day. But that comes and goes. We are always here for each other."

His 97-year-old wife added: "The key is give and take and lots of laughter."

"These days marriages don't last long. A lot of people get married with the idea that if it doesn't work out there's no worry, but we can't understand that."

Elaine Clarke, a senior care assistant at the Warwick Park Nursing Home, said of the couple: "It is very rare to see something like this. They are always by each other's side."

"They are still very much in love," she added.

WOW that is something! Isn't that what we all want? To grow old with someone and keep the love alive...? I know I want it.

Just thought this was really cool and had to post it :oP